Also, as of now there isn't a prompt for week 19, so if you are an artist or if you know someone who is willing to share their work with us, please please let me or vex know so we can move forward. Thanks!
Title: Pay it forward Author: landofthekwt Rating :MA Universe: AU Word Count:2202 Genre: Fun with Dog gods Prompt: Ashes to Ashes by jojokun Inuyasha captions Week 18 Warning: sexual content- graphic violence Character Deaths Summary: Kagome brings back Inuyasha as an inugami
Title: Blood and Ashes Author: doggieearlover Genres: Angst, Drama, Horror Type: Canon Pairing: InuYasha/Kagome Rating: R Word Count: 1454 Warnings: Post-manga; Violence Summary: InuYasha and Miroku return from a routine youkai extermination to find that Kagome and Rin have been taken. Prompt: Ashes to Ashes by jojo_kun